Tag Archives: The Martian Trailer

Trailer Time: The Martian Trailer #2 (2015) *Will Ridley Mess Up 2014’s Best Book?*

Andy Weir’s science fiction masterpiece, The Martian, was my favorite book of 2014.  I love Matt Damon, I love Jessica Chastain, I love pretty much all the cast of the film and I know Andy Weir was directly involved in the adaptation, but I’m nervous.  It’s not the trailers, which have looked spectacular.  It’s Ridley Scott.  I can’t remember the last film Ridley Scott directed that I liked, which certainly wasn’t always the case.  I so hope this is a return to form for him, because this could be one of the best films of the year if it lives up to its source material.  The Martian lands in theaters on October 2, 2015, kicking off the Fall Movie Season.
Matt Damon, The Martian


Trailer Time: The Martian (2015) *Will Ridley Mess Up 2014’s Best Book?*

*Text courtesy of Rolling Stone

Matt Damon strikes a delicate balance between intensity and levity in the new trailer for Ridley Scott’s The Martian, in which the actor plays Mark Watney, an astronaut trying to survive after being accidentally stranded on Mars.