Tag Archives: the killing

Killing Time – April 11, 2013

 Spring is spranging all over the place, which would mean more to me if I weren’t inside consuming media.  These reviews aren’t going to write themselves, people.  Milestones for the site this week: 400th post and we should have our 3,000th hit sometime in the next day or so.  I’m grateful for the feedback and if anyone has ideas or things they’d like to see, shoot me a tweet or leave a comment.  So, though you may be outside actually interacting with “nature”, how else have you been time stabbing lately?

Books: Legion by Brandon Sanderson
                 The Last Pharaoh by Bradley Hope
                 Fatal Voyage: The Sinking of the Costa Concordia by John Hooper
                 The Plagiarist by Hugh Howley

Blu Ray: The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey (extras)
                     Skyfall (extras)

TV/HULU:  Scandal Season Two
                            Community Season Four
                            The Daily Show with John Stewart
                            The Colbert Report
                            Parks & Recreation Season Five
                            The Killing Season Two
Music:  The song “Carry On” by fun. has my permission to leave my head as expediently as possible.

Video Game: Borderlands 2 (Level 12 Gunzerker
                                Assassin’s Creed III (this game is really dragging)
                                Gears of War: Judgment
                            * XBOX Live, gamertag: sleeplessdave; feel free to friend me!

Comics:   The Avengers Vol. 5 by Brian Michael Bendis
                      Absolute All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison