Tag Archives: Star Wars Boba Fett spinoff

Has Hasbro Leaked The First Three Star Wars Spin-Offs: Han Solo, Boba Fett and RED FIVE!?!

Han Solo, Harrison Ford, A New Hope, Star Wars, Chewbacca
Hasbro may just have let the cat out of the bag on whom the first three Star Wars spin-offs will focus on.  At a recent event, Hasbro unveiled their toy schedule through 2020 and it went thusly:
2014: Star Wars Rebels (animated series)
2015: Episode VII
2016: Boba Fett
2017: Episode VIII
2018: Solo
2019: Episode IX
2020: Red Five

Red Five is, of course for Star Wars fans, Luke’s call sign in the X-Wing he flew in the Death Star battle in Episode IV.  It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a Luke spin-off about his time as a pilot, it could be a Rogue Squadron movie about those pilots.  I think that’s a really intriguing spin-off idea and way to think outside the box of being confined to just character origins.  I’ll paste Geek Tyrant’s whole article below, but if this is my Star Wars plate through 2020, I’m a happy geek! Continue reading Has Hasbro Leaked The First Three Star Wars Spin-Offs: Han Solo, Boba Fett and RED FIVE!?!