Tag Archives: Sleeping Dogs

Killing Time – June 27, 2013

Killing Time

I’ll be honest: this has been a crap week.  It’s been such a crap week that I’ve barely done much but try to sleep, fail, go through the motions, fail to sleep again and then punch a wall that looked like it might have had it coming.  I did get to the movies three times this weekend and I will be reviewing my other two as soon as I can find enough Red Bull to replace my blood plasma.

KT milestones this week: 12,000 was breached and 700 posts by tomorrow; so thank you for helping me to the milestones.   Joining our United Nations of Geeks Bored Silly are Aruba, Guam and Libya.  Exotic, varied, and if combined – a very surprising third leg to a cruise.

Oh, by the way, Downton Abbey Season Three ending: BOO!  I don’t know what the English equivalent of jumping the shark is, but the shark has been jumped.

The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (again)

Blu Ray:
Amazing Spider-Man

The Daily Show with John Stewart
The Colbert Report
Downton Abbey Season Three
Psych Season One
Arrested Development Season Four (ARRRGH)

Song of the Week:  “Love Song” by Adele

Video Game:
Borderlands 2 (Level 26 Gunzerker; on chapter 16 of main quest)
Sleeping Dogs
Magic: The Gathering 2014
* XBOX Live, gamertag: sleeplessdave; feel free to friend me!

Star Wars Legacy Vol. 1 by John Ostrander