Tag Archives: Scarlet Johansssen

New Age of Ultron Photos and Synopsis!!!



Eight new photos in HD and a new official synopsis that confirms, among other things, that Tony Stark will be the one who creates Ultron (it’s Hank Pym – the character Michael Douglas will play in Ant-Man- in the comics).  This all looks fantastic; the second trailer was jaw-dropping.  The only bummer is that Joss Whedon has already confirmed that this will probably be his last Avengers flick.  On the other hand, the top names I’ve heard for Avengers: Infinity War Parts One and Two are the Russo Brothers who didn’t do too shabby a job with last year’s Captain America The Winter Soldier.  Enjoy the Avengery goodness on Super Bowl Hangover Day!  Avengers: Age of Ultron opens wide May 1, 2015. Continue reading New Age of Ultron Photos and Synopsis!!!