Tag Archives: santa claus

Movie Review: Rise of the Guardians (2012)

"Blah, blah, blah something about children (sound of my head hitting the table)"
“Blah, blah, blah something about children (sound of my head hitting the table)”

This is going to be a brief review as this movie has already kidnapped enough of my life without me having to continue to dwell on it.  In fact, let’s just do some quick bullet points.
1. I love my wife, but her Redbox privileges are on probation.
2. Dreamworks, Pixar has a very helpful guide they use for composing movies that have stories and a purpose for existing.  As a matter of fact, I just put them up last week and here’s the link in case you’re interested:
3. I don’t know what kind of tatted-up, sabre-wielding, yeti-loving Santa Claus they have in Russia, but here in America we like the Santa created by the Coca Cola Corporation that flies around sprinkling capitalism on our God-fearing nation.  Keep your suspiciously Alec Baldwin sounding Commie Claus in Vladimir Putin’s basement on a steady diet of beets and that potato whiskey you drink. Sorry, I know we have Russian readers, but you can’t give me my time back and I’m lashing out.
4. I may have been subtle.  For clarity’s sake, I did not find this film entertaining.