Tag Archives: Runner Runner Trailer

Trailer Time: Runner Runner Trailer 2 (2013) and New Poster

Second trailer out for September 27th thriller Runner Runner along with a new poster.  Official synopsis below, but I would be much more stoked about this film if Affleck was wearing the Batsuit and Timberlake the giant shake costume from the SNL “Homelessville” sketch.  That’s just me thinking outside the box, though.

Princeton grad student Richie (Justin Timberlake), believing he’s been swindled, travels to Costa Rica to confront online gambling tycoon Ivan Block (Ben Affleck). Richie is seduced by Block’s promise of immense wealth, until he learns the disturbing truth about his benefactor. When the FBI tries to coerce Richie to help bring down Block, Richie faces his biggest gamble ever: attempting to outmaneuver the two forces closing in on him.
Runner Runner, Ben Affleck, Justin Timberlake, Gemma Atherton

Trailer Time: Runner Runner (2013)

There was a time when there were no two people I disliked more in Hollywood than Ben Affleck and Justin Timberlake.  Somehow, I find myself now in the position of liking both of them immensely and think this looks like it could be a good thriller.  Runner Runner opens in theaters on September 6, 2013.

Runner Runner, Ben Affleck, Justin Timberlake