Tag Archives: Paranormal Activity

Movie Review: Paranormal Activity The Ghost Dimension (2015) *Ending With a Thud*


Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (or PA6 for simplicity’s sake) ends the found-footage horror series that was, for a time, a phenomenon that managed to capture the interest of even me.  I’m going to put this simply: I don’t like horror movies.  Life is frightening enough without plopping down cash to be scared further out of your mind, but for some reason that I cannot explain, the PA series grabbed me.  The series is really the story of two trilogies; the first being awesome and the second being largely incoherent.  The first film was made for almost nothing and became a huge hit so naturally it became a franchise.  What was amazing about the next two installments is how smartly they wove together a story that tied into the first and began to build this mythology and story that spanned decades.  Then the fourth installment happened. Continue reading Movie Review: Paranormal Activity The Ghost Dimension (2015) *Ending With a Thud*

Movie Review: Paranormal Activity – The Marked Ones (2014)

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones

I think I’ve made it clear here in the past that I’m not really a fan of horror as a genre.  The “horror” I do tend to like is psychological in nature and not slasher in nature.  The only horror franchise I have any interest in is Paranormal Activity and the first three installments scared me silly, plus they had a narrative, overarching plot that tied together neatly.  That frayed badly in the fourth installment which was dull and muddy on how thing fit together with this tapestry of creepy they’ve been building.  I was looking to PA: The Marked Ones, a spin-off from the main series (which returns at Halloween) to get us back on track.

We are not back on track. Continue reading Movie Review: Paranormal Activity – The Marked Ones (2014)