Tag Archives: ongoing series

Top 5: TV Comedies (Still Airing)

Top 5: TV Episodes of All-Time (Comedy Edition)

A few weeks ago we looked at TV dramas, which are in somewhat of a Golden Age.  At the other end of the quality spectrum, the TV comedy is in-what might charitably be termed-a slump.  NBC’s once-vaunted comedy factory has sputtered to a halt and, after a few gems at the top, it is slim pickings for good comedies.  That’s not to say there aren’t classics  on right now.  I think the top 3 right now are all shows that rank well in the comedic pantheon, but this list was a whole lot easier to make than the dramas list.  I had to weed out excellent shows for honorable mention.  That’s not a problem here.  It should be noted that 30 Rock just finished its seven season run of awesomeness, depriving me of an entrant.  Additionally, despite that it will no doubt make (if not top) the list, Arrested Development is not back for another month so I can’t utilize it.  Scan the list, debate, tell me if I’m missing something crucial.  Mirth is at a high premium for me right now so if you’ve got candidates I need to see, tell me!
1. Modern Family (ABC)
2. Parks and Recreation (NBC)
3. The Big Bang Theory (CBS)
4. Community (NBC)
5. Archer (FX)
* I think of them as talk shows, but if we count The Daily Show and Colbert Report, they’re 3 & 4 and everything slides accordingly.
** Yes, I am aware of Louie and I can’t get into it or It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Honorable Mention to: ….Family Guy?……I dunno, it’s a desert out there.

Top 5: TV Dramas (Still Airing)

Top 5: TV Episodes of All-Time (Comedy Edition)

Though most of what I end up writing about on this site has been movie-related thus far, the truth is I actually watch a whole lot more TV than I do movies.  I will NOT plop myself down on the couch and just flip channels.  I don’t think I’ve done that in years.  My TV consumption is via blu ray, Netflix, Amazon or Hulu.  I have severe ADD in the sense that I get bored almost instantly.  A commercial break is an eternity and I can’t stand breaks in narrative flow.  I used to just record everything on VCR tapes so I could fast-forward through commercials.  Basically, it was ghetto TiVo.  Now, though, I can enjoy my serialized entertainment. 

The drama has become almost the exclusive province of cable and there is a ton of amazing stuff out there.  Production values, casting and writing have reached the level of (and often surpassed) feature films.  Just look at the hype leading up to the upcoming Game of Thrones premiere.  There’s nothing in a movie theatre on March 31st that’s going to be as good as that.  The only network drama I even watch is Scandal.  I’ve tried getting into Once Upon a Time and Revenge and they haven’t grabbed me.

These five are almost interchangeable in placement and an argument could be made for not only the top 5 but the next five I’d have on the list, as well.  This is a golden age of television drama.  If you have Netflix streaming, you can check out Sherlock, Mad Men, Luther, Downtown Abbey, Burn Notice, Scandal and The Walking Dead.  Amazon streaming has Justified.  Check some of these out, let me know what you think or let me know something you think has been egregiously left off this list.  I’m always looking for a new show.

1. Sherlock (BBC)
2. Game of Thrones (HBO)
3. Justified (FX)
4. Mad Men (AMC)
5. Homeland (Showtime)

Honorable Mention to: Luther (BBC), Downtown Abbey (BBC), Burn Notice USA), The Walking Dead (AMC) and Scandal (ABC).