Tag Archives: Omar Sy

Peter Dinklage Playing Bolivar Trask in X-Men: Days of Future Past?

Peter Dinklage, X-Men, X-Men Days of Future Past, Bolivar Trask, Trask Industries Trask Industries, Bolivar Trask, X-Men, X-Men Days of Future Past

Director Bryan Singer is turning into quite the mad Tweeter on the set of X-Men Days of Future Past.  These two images of Peter Dinklage, followed closely by this shot of a Trask Industries jumpsuit, now have most thinking that Dinklage’s “mystery role” is that of Bolivar Trask.  Trask is responsible for creating the mutant hunting machines, Sentinels, that feature extremely prominently in the comic arc of Future Past.  I think it’s fantastic casting and there’s something mythic about this man of small stature building these colossus.  So if we take this logic forward, we now have in this film (which could be ten hours long): Sentinels, Bolivar Trask, Mystique, Old/Young Professor X, Old/Young Magneto, Beast, Wolverine, Shadowcat, Quicksilver, Rogue, Storm, Colossus, Warpath, Iceman, Blink, Bishop and Sunspot.  That’s aside from the rumors floating around that we’ll see Cyclops and Jean Grey as well.  I love Bryan Singer, but this ensemble is just getting a little bit unwieldy.  I’m also a bit curious as to where they would take the franchise from here because the only members of the First Class ensemble returning that didn’t go over to Magneto’s side are Professor X and Beast.  Most of the cast is comprised of the returnees and the old gang.  If you’re trying to grow the franchise for the future, you need to consider this will be Hugh Jackman’s seventh film as Wolverine.  X-Men: Days of Future Past will release in July 2014.  Synopsis below:

The film will be based on the comic book storyline “Days of Future Past,” which ran in Uncanny X-Men #141 and 142 back in 1981 during Chris Claremont and John Byrne’s run and introduced the idea of an alternate future for Marvel’s mutants that grew out of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants killing an important senator, leading to a future where all mutants are hunted by Sentinels.

Halle Berry as Storm from X-Men: Days of Future Past


Storm, Halle Berry, X-Men Days of Future Past, Bryan SingerBryan Singer has Tweeted another picture from the set of X-Men: Days of Future Past.  This is a slightly better photo than the cockeyed look at the back of Patrick Stewart’s head he gave us last time.  Not a huge variation on Storm’s costume from the previous films (we’ll never get ridiculous mohawk Storm, will we?).

Days of Future Past also picked up another cast member and character to add to its bulging ark of mutants.  Adan Canto will play a mutant who deals in fire (from his Twitter).  Could be Sunspot, could be Pyro back, could be Sunfire, and there are a lot of fire mutants.  Join the largest cast I can remember in a super hero movie. X-Men: Days of Future Past will release in July 2014.  Synopsis below:

The film will be based on the comic book storyline “Days of Future Past,” which ran in Uncanny X-Men #141 and 142 back in 1981 during Chris Claremont and John Byrne’s run and introduced the idea of an alternate future for Marvel’s mutants that grew out of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants killing an important senator, leading to a future where all mutants are hunted by Sentinels.

Patrick Stewart on the Set of X-Men: Days of Future Past


Director Bryan Singer has Tweeted the first image of Patrick Stewart back as Professor Xavier from the set of X-Men: Days of Future Past.  It tells us pretty much nothing, but we’re geeks so we’ll eat it up anyway.  He’s got a uniform thing happening and is standing, though, so read into that what you will.  Days of Future Past will bring together the cast of X-Men: First Class with the original trilogy of mutant films.  In the comic arc, X-Men are transported to a dystopian future where mutants were being hunted to extinction.  I’m thrilled Singer is back at the helm of the franchise and we’ll see how it all comes together in July 2014.

Halle Berry Signs On for X-Men: Days of Future Past

Bryan-Singer-X-Men-director-jpgX-Men Days of Future Past director  Bryan Singer announced Halle Berry will be returning as Storm for the upcoming film.  Also joining the mammoth sized cast is Omar Sy who many believe will be playing the time traveling mutant Bishop.  X-Men Days of Future Past is scheduled for a July 2014 release.