Tag Archives: New Poster for I Frankenstein

New Poster for I, Frankenstein

The first time I was watching the trailer for this, I thought to myself, “Gosh, this feels like Underworld.” Two seconds later FROM THE PRODUCERS OF UNDERWORLD smacked up on the screen. The Underworld movies are my guilty pleasure movies. They are dumb fun. They are also not good. I don’t care; it’s a guilty pleasure. If they want to use Frankenstein like this, I’m fine with it. Universal is looking at creating a shared universe for their classic monster characters (Frankenstein, Dracula, The Mummy, etc.) that would be similar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That’s where I want authenticity and reverence to lore and source material. If Aaron Eckhardt is going to fight Franky clones and a race of demon gargoyles (not entirely sure what they’re supposed to be), then fine. It might be fun. It might suck. I might be both and I may still like it. Who knows? Here’s the latest poster and I, Frankenstein will broodily march its stitched self into theaters on January 24, 2014.