Tag Archives: Movie Poll

POLL Results: The KT Community’s Best Film of 2016 is…….

Felicity Jones, Jyn Erso, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,

After a month of frenzied voting, the leader never changed, and the Killing TIme Community has officially selected Rogue One: A Star Wars Story as their Best Film of 2016.  Of the 15 possible nominees, 12 received votes, showing the depth of quality movies from last year.  This marks the second consecutive year that a Star Wars film has won the top community prize, giving Disney a perfect record since they took over the franchise (I wouldn’t count out The Last Jedi taking 2017). Continue reading POLL Results: The KT Community’s Best Film of 2016 is…….

POLL: BEST FILM OF 2016 (5th Annual KT Reader’s Awards)

Darth Vader, Star Wars, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

2016 was an absolutely brilliant year for movies, and now it is time for the Killing Time Community to do their yearly duty and anoint one movie as the BEST FILM OF 2016.  I do my own yearly awards (The Renaissance Film Awards) just before the Oscars, so this is the readers’ pick; YOUR pick.  Will you follow the critics toward La La Land, Arrival or Hacksaw Ridge?  Will you pick a summer favorite like Finding Dory, Captain America: Civil War or The Jungle Book?  Will a Star Wars film win for the second year running with a vote for Rogue One? Or will you just put forth MAXIMUM EFFORT and give Deadpool the recognition the Academy denied it?

La La Land, Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling

Here are how the 15 finalists for the award were chosen: I took the nine films the Academy nominated for Best Picture, added the next three highest ranked by my personal list, and then added the top two box office earners not covered by either previous category (and then I threw in Deadpool for kicks and giggles because anarchy amuses me).  All year you endure my yakking about my opinions, but this is your award.  This is our most important poll of the year, so VOTE!  The winner will be announced on February 24, 2017, (Oscar Eve), and will join the hallowed ranks of these past winners:
2012: The Dark Knight Rises 
2013: Gravity
2014: Guardians of the Galaxy 
2015: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
2016: ?????????????????

PS – Forward this around or direct your fellow movie lovers to the Killing Time homepage (https://justkillingti.me) to cast their votes.  We want to get as many as possible for the biggest KT Community event of the year!
King Louie, Mowgli, Christopher Walken, Neel Sethi, Disney's The Jungle Book

Poll Results: Favorite New Character from Rogue One

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story broke the $1 billion mark at the global box office this weekend and last weekend captured the 2016 box office crown, the second year in a row a Star Wars film has held it (and it’s tough to imagine anything outgrossing Episode VIII later this year).  With each new Star Wars film, come new characters to the Saga’s canon.  Last year, KT readers picked Rey as their favorite character from Episode VII, this year when asked for their favorite from Rogue One, it was never even close.  Donnie Yen’s blind, Force-sensitive monk Chirrut Imwe dominated the voting from the first day.  Finishing second was Felicity Jones; Jyn Erso, and third (my pick a hair over Chirrut) Alan Tudyk’s sarcastic droid K-2SO.  Every new character got votes, though, which is a tribute to how much fans have embraced this film, and how successful the first standalone Star Wars film has been.  Stay tuned this week: after the Oscar nominations are released, the 5th annual KT Community Movie of the Year Poll will go live!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Chirrut Imwe, Donnie Yen

Poll: Favorite New Character from Rogue One

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story looks to have narrowly taken the box office crown for the fourth consecutive week and raising its domestic take to $477 million.  Given that you’ve probably seen the film several times by now, which is your favorite new character introduced in the film?  When we did this poll last year for Episode VII, everyone went nuts because I didn’t include “Nines” in the original line-up, and if there is a character not included in the poll this time that you feel should be there, please feel free to bray your displeasure. Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker) is not included as that character was introduced in The Clone Wars series.  New characters only!  The poll will be open for roughly three weeks, so get your votes in!  The next poll will be the biggest of the year: our yearly community selection of the best film of the year!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Darth Vader, Death Star, Felicity Jones, Jyn Erso

POLL RESULTS: Batman vs. Superman – Who’s KT Rooting For?

If this was a prize fight, I’d have stopped it halfway into the first week of voting.  I actually had to check and make sure the poll was working because it was 100 – 0 for the Bat.  Some Superfans came along and tried to turn the tide, but Killing Time IS A BATMAN SITE!  No matter how we feel about Batman vs. Superman, we side with The Dark Knight.  The Big Blue Boy Scout can fly away home now.  Go on….scat…..no one’s crying for you, alien.
Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Batman, Superman, Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck