Tag Archives: leaked star wars episode vii pictures

Star Wars Episode VII – More Photos: Pinewood Studios, X-Wing, Milennium Falcon!

EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.
TMZ has done it again! This time they got someone into Pinewood Studios, where Star Wars Episode VII is currently filming and got pics of the Milennium Falcon under construction, what looks like an X-Wing and more shots of the practical creature from The Gallery of Tatooine Shots. These leaks seem a little too easy for someone as security-mad as JJ Abrams. I think he may be using TMZ as a conduit to leak some tidbits that really tell us nothing, but get us excited as all get out. THEY’RE BUILDING THE FALCON!!! How are we supposed to wait until December 2015???? Continue reading Star Wars Episode VII – More Photos: Pinewood Studios, X-Wing, Milennium Falcon!