Tag Archives: Jurassic World Spoilers

Movie Review: Jurassic World (2015) *The Park is Back in Business*

Jurassic World
Jurassic Park was the first PG-13 film I was “allowed” to see in the theaters, and as it has turned out, every subsequent Jurassic film has come out during a period when I lived in or was visiting West Virginia, as I have been this week.  That movie experience of seeing dinosaurs come to life in, what I still think, is one of the best action/adventure films of all-time, remains indelible to this day.  The subsequent installments….not so much.  If you’re looking for a quick, spoiler-free review, Jurassic World is the best and most logical sequel to the original film; however, if you’re looking to recapture the glory of 1993, you’re going to leave seriously disappointed.  It will make a boatload of money and, if my audience’s reaction was any indication, leave us looking for more dinos in the future. Continue reading Movie Review: Jurassic World (2015) *The Park is Back in Business*