Tag Archives: jurassic park IV

Movie Review: Jurassic World (2015) *The Park is Back in Business*

Jurassic World
Jurassic Park was the first PG-13 film I was “allowed” to see in the theaters, and as it has turned out, every subsequent Jurassic film has come out during a period when I lived in or was visiting West Virginia, as I have been this week.  That movie experience of seeing dinosaurs come to life in, what I still think, is one of the best action/adventure films of all-time, remains indelible to this day.  The subsequent installments….not so much.  If you’re looking for a quick, spoiler-free review, Jurassic World is the best and most logical sequel to the original film; however, if you’re looking to recapture the glory of 1993, you’re going to leave seriously disappointed.  It will make a boatload of money and, if my audience’s reaction was any indication, leave us looking for more dinos in the future. Continue reading Movie Review: Jurassic World (2015) *The Park is Back in Business*

Great Fan Made Jurassic Park Piece – TURN OFF THE LIGHT!!!

Jurassic Park


Once again proving that the best posters are being made by fans these days comes this very cool piece from THE iconic moment from Jurassic Park.  Just a quick update on Jurassic Park IV, Nick Simmons and Ty Simpkins (Harley from Iron Man 3) have been cast for the film which is officially being called Jurassic World.  I’m avoiding calling it that because every time I say it, I picture Jaws coming for Louis Gossett Jr. in Jaws IV.  I’m sure this will be better (on the theory that being worse would be a feat like unto building the Pyramids of Giza).

Plot Details Revealed For “Jurassic Park 4”

I’m curious how they will connect it to the previous films….the plot kind of sounds like Jaws IV without Louis Gossett Jr. What do you all think?

Confessions of a Nerf Herder


With Jurassic Park 4 now confirmed to be back on for a 2015 release, JoBlo is reporting where the plot of the fourth film will take us. Be warned, there’s spoilers ahead.




The reports that Jurassic Park 4 will be set in the present day. The original park that John Hammond was working on has now become a reality. With the park up and running at the Isla Nublar site, crowds of over 10 million people visit the safe, profitable site each year.

There’s still Velociraptors and a T-Rex are still around, but they are now muzzled and have been trained to behave. The site also has a section called Isla Nublar Lagoon, which is an underwater feature. This part features a large underwater dinosaur that does tricks for the audience. One such trick is that the beast apparently jumps out of the water and swallows a…

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Top 5: Movies of 2014 (anticipated)

Top 5: Movies of 2014Sure it’s only five months into 2013, but I’m always looking ahead.  What do I see standing out on the horizon for next year?  It’s early and usually the only movies you know about so far in advance are franchise movies, so something that doesn’t have as much hype yet, may not be on my radar.  Most of the art below is fan made, but a nice tide-over for the real stuff.  While it may not be the monster year 2015 is shaping up to be, 2014 has plenty to anticipate.

1. Interstellar – Chris Nolan’s next project

Interstellar, Christopher Nolan, Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jonathan Nolan

2. The Hobbit: There and Back Again

THE la_ca_0104_hobbit

3. X-Men: Days of Future Past

X-Men Days of Future Past, X-Men, Magneto, Beast, Iceman, Shadowcat, Storm, Rogue, Mystique, Professor X, Wolverine, Havok

4. Tomorrowland – Brad Bird, George Clooney and Damon Lindeloff

Tomorrowland, Disney, Brad Bird, Damon Lindeloff, George Clooney

5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier – This IS real concept art for the film

Captain America The Winter Soldier, Cap 2, Captain America 2, The Winter Soldier

Honorable Mentions: The Muppets…Again, The Good Dinosaur, Amazing Spider-Man 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Jurassic Park IV, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Pt. 1, and Maleficent.

Jurassic Park IV has a Director


Jurassic Park IV, rumored for well over a decade, now has a director.  Colin Treverrow (Safety Not Guaranteed) was a dark horse pick to direct Star Wars Episode VII.  Steven Spielberg will produce, but then it seems he produces eighteen films a year.  No word on a possible release date or storyline, but if it follows the progression of the Jaws franchise, we’ll have velociraptors attacking Louis Gosset Jr. at Sea World.  I’m not too proud to say I would pay to see that.