Tag Archives: IMAX 3D

Movie Review: The Walk (2015) *Zemeckis Takes Us to Dizzying Heights!*

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, The Walk, Philippe Petit9/11. That’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the World Trade Center’s twin towers. It’s impossible for people to look at those buildings and to see anything other than the horror that occurred nearly 15 years ago. There is; however, another story, a true story, regarding the towers that took place in 1974. A French wire walker, Philippe Petit (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), mesmerized New Yorkers one August morning as they looked to the skies and saw Petit perform an extended walk between the North and South Towers of the WTC. It’s a story that’s the antithesis of 9/11. It’s a dream, Petit’s coup. It’s a story of hope, ambition, bravery and wonder and Robert Zemeckis brings it to glorious fruition in The Walk. Continue reading Movie Review: The Walk (2015) *Zemeckis Takes Us to Dizzying Heights!*