Tag Archives: How to Train Your Dragon

Movie Review: How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)

How to Train Your Dragon 2
Five years after the events of How to Train Your Dragon, the town of Berk is a very different place than it was.  Instead of Vikings and Dragons warring with one another, now they live in symbiotic harmony; each viking having become a dragon rider like the boy (now man) who brought them together: Hiccup.  Seriously wouldn’t you try to phase that name to something a little more manly by the time you’re 20, which is how old Hiccup is as we rejoin the adventures of the dragon-riding Vikings of Berk.  So does our return adventure live up to the surprise hit that was the original?  Not quite, but it’s still a great deal of fun. Continue reading Movie Review: How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)

The First Five Minutes of How to Train Your Dragon 2!

Featuring its stunning animation, How to Train Your Dragon 2 has released its first five minutes, getting you back into a world of Vikings riding Dragons!  Behold it all when it opens in theaters June 13, 2014, and How to Train Your Dragon 3 is already scheduled for 2016.
How to Train Your Dragon 2

Top 10 Movie and TV Dragons

What’s more awesome than dragons?  Trick question.  There is nothing more awesome than dragons.  FACT.  I concede maybe a Jedi or a Sith….which is why in Star Wars Episode VII there should be a Sith riding a Krayt Dragon.

The good folks at watchmojo.com have compiled a smattering (not the best word, but the one I wanted to use) of dragons in list form.  These are their top 10 dragons that have appeared THUS FAR in film and TV.  I have sad news for #10.  Smaug is going to bump you come December 13th so love the glory while you can.  DRAGONS!!!!

Painting by Ann Stokes www.annstokes.com
Painting by Ann Stokes http://www.annstokes.com

Trailer Time: How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)

This is how you do a teaser trailer.  Gives nothing away, leaves no room for rampant speculation (other than we get to see that a fair amount of time has passed between films); just puts you back in the world and keeps you there long enough that you don’t want to leave and then BAM…release date.  I thought the first film was a ton of fun and the best animation of any non-Pixar movie I’ve ever seen.  This is going to be a treat next summer, and if you didn’t know, How to Train Your Dragon 3 is already scheduled for 2016.

How to Train Your Dragon 2, Hiccup