Tag Archives: Hell’s Kitchen

Trailer Time: Daredevil Season Two Trailer #3 (2016 – Netfilx) “This Isn’t Your City Anymore!”

Netflix has released part two of their megatrailer for season two of Daredevil, and I’ve included the first part so you can watch the entire epic unfold.  Whereas the first trailer was Punisher-centric with Jon Bernthal, part two is Elektra-centric featuring Elodie Yung’s take on the assassin and offering an overall look at where season two may be taking us.


It seems that the Yakuza, which figured into season one, are-in fact-The Hand, as they were hinted to be.  They look like the season’s ultimate Big Bad, which explains Elektra’s presence and the return of Stick (Scott Glenn) and perhaps others from his order.  The Punisher looks like he’ll be a fly in the ointment the whole season, and Team DD seems to be developing some friction.  I mean, they didn’t really sign up for a full on ninja war.  But, holy cow, how much fun is it going to be to binge watch this next installment in the dark corners of the MCU when Netflix puts season two up on March 18th?  Answer: a lot more fun than waiting in line for Batman vs. Superman that day.
Daredevil, Matt Murdock, Charlie Cox


Trailer Time: Daredevil Season Two Trailer #2 (2016 – Netfilx) “You’re One Bad Day Away From Being Me!”

The KT Community Pick for Best TV Show of 2015 is returning in just over a month and Netflix has released the first of a two part megatrailer for Daredevil Season 2.  Part one focuses of Jon Bernthal’s Punisher, and from the end of the trailer one can assume that part two will be Elektra-centric. Continue reading Trailer Time: Daredevil Season Two Trailer #2 (2016 – Netfilx) “You’re One Bad Day Away From Being Me!”

Marvel Has Cast Elden Henson as Foggy Nelson in Daredevil

Dardevil, Elden Henson, Foggy Nelson

Marvel continues to fill out the cast of their first Netflix series by today casting Hunger Games actor Elden Henson to play Matt Murdock’s (Daredevil) best friend and law partner.  Nelson is a pivotal role in the series and he’s one of my favorite characters in comics.  Honestly, I have no memory of seeing Henson in anything so this is an instance where I’m going to have to trust Marvel.  Charlie Cox has been cast as Daredevil, Vincent D’onofrio as Wilson Fisk aka The Kingpin and Rosario Dawson has been added to the cast in a role that has not been specificied yet.  The speculation is Elektra, but I don’t see that.  She’d make a better Echo if they were going to utilize that character.  Details from Marvel below.  Daredevil will premiere on Netflix in 2015. Continue reading Marvel Has Cast Elden Henson as Foggy Nelson in Daredevil

Marvel Has Cast Vincent D’Onofrio as The Kinpin in Daredevil

Daredevil, Kingpin

Marvel continues casting its first Netflix series, Daredevil, by announcing that Vincent D’Onofrio (Law & Order, Men in Black) will be playing Wilson Fisk.  Fisk, who is also known as The Kingpin, is one of Daredevil’s two primary foes in the comic series.  The role was played by the late Michael Clarke Duncan in the movie adaptation.  Continue reading Marvel Has Cast Vincent D’Onofrio as The Kinpin in Daredevil

Marvel Has Cast Charlie Cox as Daredevil

Marvel is going with a largely unknown actor to star in its first collaboration with Netflix: Daredevil. Charlie Cox, who is most known for his work on HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, has been cast as Matt Murdock/Daredevil. This comes after a tumultuous weekend where Drew Goddard left the project as show runner (he’s still executive producer) and Buffy/Angel vet and Spartacus creator Steven DeKnight was handed the reigns.

Charlie Cox

I thought Cox was fine, but not particularly outstanding on Boardwalk, and Daredevil is-by far-my favorite Marvel character. They have a chance to do something really special with 13 episodes of examination of this character and I just hope these people can finally do DD justice.  This is the official description from Marvel:

Blinded as a young boy but imbued with extraordinary senses, Matt Murdock fights against injustice by day as a lawyer, and by night as the super hero Daredevil in modern day Hell’s Kitchen, New York City.

The 13-episode series will premiere on Netflix in 2015. Steven S. DeKnight (“Spartacus,” “Buffy: The Vampire Slayer”) will serve as showrunner and will produce alongside Drew Goddard (Cabin in the Woods) and Jeph Loeb (“Smallville”). Goddard also scripted the first two episodes.