Tag Archives: Gravity

George Clooney’s 10 Best Movies

George Clooney

George Clooney was a journeyman TV actor until he became the initial breakout star from one of the best dramas in TV history: ER.  The first five years of ER can stand against any drama, and Clooney’s departure signaled an end to the show’s best creative period.  Despite nearly breaking Batman, Clooney quickly transitioned from standard box office fare to more cerebral dramas over which he has exerted more and more control as his career has progressed.  Despite a slump over the last few years, Clooney’s resume has more than its share of outstanding films like Michael Clayton, Up in the Air, Goodnight and Good Luck, The Ocean’s Trilogy, The Ides of March, Syriana, and more.  Clooney’s acting has improved enormously from his initial days on ER (during which he seemed to rely primarily on head bobbing and smiling) to powerful performances that have justly earned him critical acclaim.  Half of his award nominations, though, are for his work behind the camera either as producer, director, or screenwriter.  He’s at his best when dealing with complex, intelligent material and in control of as much of the process as possible, which can’t be said for many talents. Continue reading George Clooney’s 10 Best Movies

Oscar 2014 Not-So-Live Blog and Wrap-Up

Ellen DeGeneres, Oscars

OK, I’m exhausted. I’m not sure if that was the longest Oscar show I’ve seen, but it absolutely felt like it was. I think everyone in the Dolby Theater was having a blast, but it did not make for good TV. I would have never thought The Great Gatsby would have won multiple awards while American Hustle, The Wolf of Wall Street, Captain Phillips and a slew of better films were completely shut out. 12 Years somehow gets gifted Best Picture with only three awards, which I believe ties it for the least by any Best Picture. Gravity takes the most hardware with seven wins. Dallas Buyer’s Club also wins three. The Great Gatsby (whaaa?) and Frozen each won two. These are my thoughts that would have been Tweeted in a live blog except I’m too claustrophobic for 144 characters and Ellen broke Twitter with this Ultimate Selfie.  My thoughts below.  Weird show, but I’m glad the best movie won the most awards.

Bradley Cooper, Ellen DeGeneres, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep, Brad Pitt, Oscars, Most Retweeted Pictue of All-Time

Continue reading Oscar 2014 Not-So-Live Blog and Wrap-Up

It’s Oscar Day 2014!



Tonight the pursuit of the world’s most sought after statue of a naked man carrying a well-placed sword will come to a close, and we’ll have a new Best Picture.  Hosted by Ellen DeGeneres for her second time, the broadcast will begin at 8:00 p.m. EST, but if you want to avoid the insipid gown fawning, you can dally until 8:30 p.m. when there will be (slaps $20 on the table) a montage.  The only question is whether tonight’s montage count will reach double-digits; over or under?  I’m taking under by a hair. Continue reading It’s Oscar Day 2014!

OSCAR WEEK 2014: Oscar Picks – Who We’d Pick – Who They’ll Pick – and Who They SHOULD Pick


The Academy Awards are this Sunday and after a very strange year in movies, I think we can anticipate an equally strange show.  My sense is that 12 Years as a Slave is going to take Picture and Actor and I think the delay in the show has vaulted Nyong’o over Jennifer Lawrence and it will grab Supporting Actress as well.  If there is one lock for the show, it’s Alfonso Cuaron for director.  He hasn’t lost a single major award for Gravity and I think that film will also sweep most of the technical awards and may end up with the most trophies.

Here are all of the categories minus what I call the “time to make a snack” group as well as documentary and foreign film.  I haven’t seen any from last year so I can’t really make an informed pick.  For each I give you who I would give the award to, who I think deserves it out of the nominated group and who I think will actually get it.  We’ll do a post-game on Monday and see how I did with my picks.  If you want to get yours in the comments and try to beat me, bring it on!  Continue reading OSCAR WEEK 2014: Oscar Picks – Who We’d Pick – Who They’ll Pick – and Who They SHOULD Pick

2014 BAFTA Winners Announced; Gravity vs. 12 Years Battle Goes Into the Oscars


In this elongated Oscar season (due to the Winter Olympics), you have to wonder if the extra weeks of voting will matter more.  In a normal year, we’d be having the Oscars next week or may have already had them.  We still have two weeks, to go so it stands to reason that the BAFTA results may sway some voters sitting on the fence in this extremely tight Oscar season.  If that does hold true, then it appears 12 Years as a Slave has Picture and Actor nailed down and Gravity stands ready to sweep everything technical and take Director.  Read below for the full list of winners and the Oscars will be handed out March 2nd; just thirteen days from today.  Check out the full list of winners below courtesy of Coming Soon. Continue reading 2014 BAFTA Winners Announced; Gravity vs. 12 Years Battle Goes Into the Oscars