Tag Archives: Game of Thrones Season 6 Teaser

Trailer Time: Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer #1 *Let There Be War!*

Game of Thrones Season 6 has been kept under tight wraps by HBO, because it is the film in which the seasons pass the number of books George R.R. Martin has completed.  Will he ever finish or will he just let HBO tell his story?  It’s a cluster(naughtyword) unprecedented in adapting a work of fiction, that the adapter defines the original work of fiction.  With the season premiere only six weeks out on April 24th, HBO has released a red-band trailer for season six.  I’m eagerly anticipating my season five Blu Rays so I can be caught up, but never would I deprive you of a visit to Westeros.  Also included is the super-creepy second teaser for the sixth season released a week or so ago.

Trailer Time: Game of Thrones Season 6 Teaser #1 *Is Jon Snow Alive?*

Full disclosure: I am not watching any season six trailers until I can catch up on season five, which aired whilst I annoyingly did not have access to HBO.  The big cliffhanger at the end of book five and season five is Jon Snow’s apparent death, which if you thought was going to stick, well, you need to read more comic books.  You’ll take death a lot less seriously.

What is a good question is, when is George R.R. Martin going to release book six in the series: The Winds of Winter?  We heard all during the fall that a 2016 release date was going to be announced and the manuscript was done, but nothing official is out there.  Does season six start adapting Winds of Winter or does it continue Dance of Dragons?  Either way, it seems impossible that Martin is going to be able to get out the rest of the books in time to have the HBO show overtake him and finish his story on the screen before it’s written out on the page.  That’s a shame, but at least someone is going to give us closure eventually.

Game of Thrones Season 6