Tag Archives: game of thrones season 4

Game of Thrones Season 4 Recap! The HBO Drama Returns Tonight!

While we have all resigned ourselves to George RR Martin’s writer’s block preventing us from ever getting our hands on The Winds of Winter (let alone A Dream of Spring), it is still a day for GoT fans to rejoice!  Season five of the fantasy drama premieres tonight at 9 p.m. on HBO.  If you don’t have HBO, you may still be able to watch the premiere through the new HBO NOW streaming service.  Right now, it basically only works for Apple products, but more options are supposedly being added soon.

This season’s plot will mainly come from book five of Martin’s series: A Dance With Dragons.  Given the complexity and four dozen cast members in the series, you’d better brush up.  You haven’t the time to binge watch them all if you’ve dithered, but this handy recap video from CNET will take you through all of season four in TWO minutes and prepare you to return to Westeros!  Stay frosty, people.  Winter is coming.


Trailer Time: Game of Thrones Season 4 Trailer #4 “Devil Inside” (HBO – 2014)

Game of Thrones is certainly keeping us ensorceled with clips from Westeros at a regular basis.  This trailer reflects the dark (even for GoT) theme of this season.  Check it out and then start freaking out on the comments!  Valar Morghulis!


Game of Thrones Will End After Seven or Eight Seasons

This comes from the Empire Magazine issue, the cover to which is below, and shouldn’t be much of a surprise since that’s the number of books we’re likely to end up with from Martin.  I would bet more on eight than seven, just because they’ve been using a non-linear approach to the books since season two to give them more time while they wait for Martin and it’s possible Martin may add another book.  I’ll miss it like crazy when it’s done, but when it is, what a landmark TV series (hopefully blazing the trail for more epic fantasy) it will be. Details on what the show runners and George Martin said after the break.
Jorah Mormont, Danerys Targaryen, Dragons, Emilia Clarke

Continue reading Game of Thrones Will End After Seven or Eight Seasons

Trailer Time: Game of Thrones Season 4 Trailer #3 “Secrets” (HBO – 2014)

The third trailer (entitled “Secrets”) for Season 4 of HBO’s fantasy epic Game of Thrones hit the web today.  Like the previous two, it just makes the 27 days left until the April 6th premiere seem THAT much longer.  Who among the KT community is going to be watching the season episode-by-episode?  Leave me a note in the comments if you think we should do a weekly review/therapy session.  Season 3 covered a lot of the events in book 3, but I can tell just from what wasn’t covered that a whole lot of this season will be finishing the content from A Storm of Swords as much as it is bringing in elements not in play until books four and five (as was done last season).  I can’t wait to get back to this.  Valar Morghulis!
Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones Season 4, Valar Morghulis, All men Must die

Trailer Time: Game of Thrones Season 4 Trailer #2 (HBO – 2014)

Forty-Eight days and counting until Game of Thrones fans can return to Westeros with Season Four.  Season three was a brutal, brutal gauntlet.  I am current on the books and I can perhaps ease your mind when I tell you that things aren’t getting cheerier, but you won’t be stumbling around your house numb and and broken like you were during season three.  The seasons have been each following one of the books, more or less, but with the arrival of season 4 we get to an interesting conundrum.  Continue reading Trailer Time: Game of Thrones Season 4 Trailer #2 (HBO – 2014)