Tag Archives: Frankenstein

FOX Sets Dates for Wolverine 3, A Mystery Marvel Project and Fantastic Four 2! Wait, What?

Hey…..so wasn’t The Fantastic Four DOA 48 hours ago?  I ask because today FOX announced the future of its corner of the Marvel Universe as well as announcing a number of release date changes and one of the films announced for 2017 was….Fantastic Four 2.  So either all of the hoopla the last week was for naught and we’re not only moving forward, we’re (and no clue why I’m using collective tense) shooting back-to-back films.

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New Poster for I, Frankenstein

The first time I was watching the trailer for this, I thought to myself, “Gosh, this feels like Underworld.” Two seconds later FROM THE PRODUCERS OF UNDERWORLD smacked up on the screen. The Underworld movies are my guilty pleasure movies. They are dumb fun. They are also not good. I don’t care; it’s a guilty pleasure. If they want to use Frankenstein like this, I’m fine with it. Universal is looking at creating a shared universe for their classic monster characters (Frankenstein, Dracula, The Mummy, etc.) that would be similar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That’s where I want authenticity and reverence to lore and source material. If Aaron Eckhardt is going to fight Franky clones and a race of demon gargoyles (not entirely sure what they’re supposed to be), then fine. It might be fun. It might suck. I might be both and I may still like it. Who knows? Here’s the latest poster and I, Frankenstein will broodily march its stitched self into theaters on January 24, 2014.

Universal Monsters Getting Their Own Universe?


In whether deciding to make this or the story that is going to push me into an uncontrollable rage to the front of the queue, I’ve gone with the one I like.  I feel that shows maturity and a lack of caffeination on my part….  Geek Tyrant dropped this over the weekend and it sounds like an amazing idea.

Back in 2012 we learned that Star Trek writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman would be producing remakes of Van Helsing and The Mummy for Universal Pictures. It doesn’t seem like much has happened with those since the announcement. That might be because they are planning something a little bigger than expected.

In a recent interview with IGN, Orci was asked about the Van Helsing remake and he revealed some bigger plans for a monster cinematic universe, kind of like what Marvel has done with their movie properties.

“There’s an interesting thing that could happen at Universal where they have this amazing library of their old monsters and these kinds of heroes, and the idea of trying to create a universe. Van Helsing, and we’re also producing The Mummy for them. We’re kind of imagining updating these kinds of things. You don’t want to just make remakes when you’re doing a thing, unless it’s worthy of being a remake, but when you have an idea for something that can actually be made different and yet be true to what it was. We just had a notion of how to make it modern and have a slightly different tone. It’s not going to be just a remake.”

Orci was then asked what his favorite monster was, to which he replied,

“I love Frankenstein just cause it’s such a twisted, complicated monster. A monster that’s not really a monster.”

Who knows what they’ll ultimately end up doing with these monsters, but a shared universe could be really awesome!

As for the movies mentioned above, Rupert Sanders (Snow White and the Huntsman) was in talks to direct Van Helsing with Tom Cruise set to star. Andres Muschietti (Mama) was in talks to direct The Mummy.

OK?  See?  That would be awesomesauce!  Monsters….working in the same universe.  Monsterverse.  Trademark: me; now.

FOX Shuffles Release Dates for Frankenstein, Gone Girl and Other Films

FOX20th Century FOX has released a press statement this morning containing a number of release date shifts including ones for Frankenstein and David Fincher’s adaptation of my favorite book of last year: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.

Following this morning’s news that 20th Century Fox has set Roma Downey and Mark Burnett’s Son of God for a February 28, 2014 release comes a few more release date announcements and changes from the studio.

Jorge R. Gutierrez’s Book of Life, formerly set for release on October 3, 2014, will now arrive two weeks later on October 17. The animated film, produced by Guillermo del Toro, is said to be a “Romeo and Juliet” style love story set against a Mexican “Day of the Dead” backdrop. The new date has Book of Life opening opposite Tate Taylor’s James Brown biopic, Get On Up.

The Paul McGuigan-directed Frankenstein, formerly set for release on that same October 17, will now arrive January 6, 2015. With a cast that includes Daniel Radcliffe, James McAvoy and Jessica Brown Findlay, Frankenstein is currently set to open without any newly-released competition.

Finally, David Fincher’s Gone Girl, which was formerly without a release date, will open October 3, 2014. Starring Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris, Tyler Perry, Kim Dickens, Patrick Fugit and Carrie Coon, Gone Girl will go up against Gary Shore’s Dracula Untold.
Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn

Trailer Time: I, Frankenstein (2014)

First Two Face.  Now Frankenstein.  I think Aaron Eckhardt needs a sit down about body image issues.  I want to believe this is going to be the Frankenstein movie that will sear that character into this generation’s zeitgeist.  Directed by Stuart Beattie and also starring Bill Nighy, Miranda Otto, Jai Courteny, Kevin Grevioux, Samatha Reed and Luke Wright; I, Frankenstein is an early 2014 entry, opening January 24th.  Films opening in January are not historically zeitgeist searers.
Aaron Eckhardt, I Frankenstein