Tag Archives: Eminem

Movie Review: The Interview (2014) *MAJOR SPOILERS*

I have never liked Katy Perry than I have after watching this film.

We’ll get back to that, but before discussing The Interview as a film, it’s impossible to ignore the unprecedented uproar surrounding its release.    Sony pulled the film from its Christmas Day release after hackers produced “evidence” that North Korea was ready to literally go to war over the film.  After a freedom-of-speech backlash in the States, Sony did an about-face and didn’t just release The Interview: it saturated the world with the film.  It’s in theaters and available via nearly any online video provider you can name.  It’s already Sony’s top online film ever.  But is it any good?  I can honestly say that I laughed more during The Interview than I have in the past four months combined.  It’s absurdist, incendiary political satire of an unprecedented nature that’s not only a subversively gleeful mockery of the world’s most secretive nation and the funniest comedy of 2014. Continue reading Movie Review: The Interview (2014) *MAJOR SPOILERS*