Tag Archives: Director Orson Krennic

Rogue One’s Original Ending Explained

The Final Frontier has gone through and compiled a detailed  look at what the reshoots actually changed in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.  The film is a perfect example of dramatic reshoots improving a film and not being the knell of doom they’re usually viewed as (though I still think the first act in Jedha is a little choppy).  Going through the scenes we all thought we were getting from the trailers that never appeared in the film, the video offers a lot of great insight on what was a cut and what was never intended to be in the film in the first place.  One thing I found interesting was that I assumed that the decision to kill the whole team (no, I didn’t put a spoiler warning on it because you’re a putz if you haven’t seen it by now) had been a part of the reshoots, but Lucasfilm authorized that before filming began. HOW the team perished though was a large part of the reshoots.  Check it out while we wait to hear the details of what will be on the Rogue One Blu Ray and when we can expect it.

Poll Results: Favorite New Character from Rogue One

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story broke the $1 billion mark at the global box office this weekend and last weekend captured the 2016 box office crown, the second year in a row a Star Wars film has held it (and it’s tough to imagine anything outgrossing Episode VIII later this year).  With each new Star Wars film, come new characters to the Saga’s canon.  Last year, KT readers picked Rey as their favorite character from Episode VII, this year when asked for their favorite from Rogue One, it was never even close.  Donnie Yen’s blind, Force-sensitive monk Chirrut Imwe dominated the voting from the first day.  Finishing second was Felicity Jones; Jyn Erso, and third (my pick a hair over Chirrut) Alan Tudyk’s sarcastic droid K-2SO.  Every new character got votes, though, which is a tribute to how much fans have embraced this film, and how successful the first standalone Star Wars film has been.  Stay tuned this week: after the Oscar nominations are released, the 5th annual KT Community Movie of the Year Poll will go live!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Chirrut Imwe, Donnie Yen

Poll: Favorite New Character from Rogue One

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story looks to have narrowly taken the box office crown for the fourth consecutive week and raising its domestic take to $477 million.  Given that you’ve probably seen the film several times by now, which is your favorite new character introduced in the film?  When we did this poll last year for Episode VII, everyone went nuts because I didn’t include “Nines” in the original line-up, and if there is a character not included in the poll this time that you feel should be there, please feel free to bray your displeasure. Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker) is not included as that character was introduced in The Clone Wars series.  New characters only!  The poll will be open for roughly three weeks, so get your votes in!  The next poll will be the biggest of the year: our yearly community selection of the best film of the year!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Darth Vader, Death Star, Felicity Jones, Jyn Erso


Jyn Erso, Felicity Jones, Saw Gerrera, Forest Whitaker, Ben Mendelsohn, Director Orson Krennic, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

This year’s Star Wars film was the first standalone entry in the franchise, so there was a little concern going in on how it would be received, but it was worry for nothing.  Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is well on its way to being the top grossing film of 2016, and will likely win the box office for the fourth weekend in a row.  KT readers weighed in, and the only question seemed to be “Is it perfect or just really freaking amazing?”  I gave the film a 9.25 and you can read the official Killing Time review by clicking here, and ‘9’ was the top rated choice of readers, followed closely by ’10’ and ‘8’.  87.19% of readers gave the film between 8.0-10.  Not.  Too.  Shabby.  Thanks to everyone who voted, and look for another Rogue One-related poll to go up soon!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Death Troopers

POLL: What’s Your Review of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story?

Jyn Erso, Felicity Jones, Saw Gerrera, Forest Whitaker, Ben Mendelsohn, Director Orson Krennic, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

This year’s Star Wars film is the first of many standalone entries we’ll be getting exploring key moments and favorite characters in the Star Wars Universe.  Advance reviews for the film are largely positive; not quite the level The Force Awakens got, but better than all the prequels and Return of the Jedi.  You can read the official Killing Time review by clicking here, but what did you think?  Did Rogue One live up to your expectations or leave you feeling Force-drained?  Vote, vote, vote (WAIT UNTIL YOU ACTUALLY SEE IT), and in the comments below tell us where you think it ranks compared to the other seven films.  You’ll have one month, probably about the time the film will rule the top of the box office, to see the film and rate it from 1 (awful) to 10 (on par with the best Star Wars films of all-time).  So get your votes in, and we’ll see what the KT community consensus is for first standalone entry in the the Star Wars Saga.

Chirrut Inwe, Donnie Yen, Stormtroopers, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

(Donnie Yen)
Ph: Film Frame
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