Tag Archives: destiny

Top 5: XBOX One Launch Games

We are only a month and a half away from the launch of Xbox One and have decided to go day one for the first time in any generational launch.  I think most people are going to start to make the leap over when Destiny hits in early 2014 and the next HALO game will grab the rest, but looking over the just under thirty options at launch, here are the five, in order, that most intrigue me.  What about you?  Who’s in on day one?  I may find my friends list a lonely place for awhile….though it’s worth mentioning that if you pre-order Destiny you qualify for the beta and that is not too far away.
1. Watch Dogs
2. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
3. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
4. Call of Duty: Ghosts
5. Dead Rising 3



Trailer Time: Destiny “Out in the Wild” ViDoc (2014)

I’ve gotten to a point where I’m excited about the next gen consoles. It’s a very different transition than past generations. I plan to keep and be playing games on my Xbox 360 for years while concurrently running an Xbox One. I’m curious as to how Xbox Live will work across the two platforms. If I’m on One and my friend is on a 360, will I see that? Gamerscore is completely porting to the new console, but if I’m moving back and forth, will Xbox One achievements show up on the 360? Who knows? Microsoft probably doesn’t know. They have had, undoubtedly, the worst marketing launch to a major electronics product that I’ve ever seen. The cool thing is that since the horrid original rules, we’ve been receiving another rollback from the Xbox team almost weekly. They’re moonwalking this thing into the console I wanted…just without backward compatability. One criticism that can be fairly leveled is that their launch title list is thin. If you don’t like Dead Rising or Forza…there is not a game for you with tremendous buzz that is exclusively XBO. The newest thing that I’ve heard is that in order to try to make the $100 price gap between it and the Playstation 4, Microsoft is going to bundle a game with launch consoles. In Europe, it’ll be FIFA. I have nothing firm on North America, but I’ve heard Ryse (which would be cool since it’s the only “day one” game that interests me).

None of that has anything to do with Destiny, which is what I think of when I think next gen gaming. Destiny is going to move systems. A lot of them. These video documentaries that Bungie is releasing about the world building, weapons and character classes are fantastic. This is going to be the Xbox World of Warcraft (yeah, it’s on PS4 too, but I’m branded with an X). 2014 will see a lot of cool games hit stores as the developers get comfortable with the software, but Destiny looks like it could be as big a landmark as any game in this generation. I’ll keep these coming as Bungie keeps posting them; this one “Out in the Wild” looks at weaponry and the focus on building large, varying environments. It also puts to rest any fear that this is just a multiplayer game. There will be storyline quests you can do on your own. You can completely control to what extent people pop in and out of your experience. I’m psyched (and caffeinated if you couldn’t tell). Destiny will release in 2014 for Playstation 4 and Xbox One.
Destiny, Bungie, E3, Xbox One

Trailer Time: E3 Destiny Gameplay Trailer (2014)

After several mind-blowing cinematic trailers, Bungie unveiled a 12 minute look at gameplay for their new first person shooter franchise Destiny.  Bungie’s new post-HALO venture has looked extremely impressive and the gameplay does not disappoint.  This is the sort of title that moves people to a next generation console.  If it was a launch title, I think there would be a lot more urgency for people like me who don’t necessarily feel sold on the need for a new generation yet to be there on day one.  Destiny has a tentative 2014 release date for both Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

Destiny, Bungie, E3, Xbox One

Trailer Time: Destiny – The Law of the Jungle (2014)

Wonder what Bungie’s been up to since they said farewell to the Halo Universe?  Well, they’ve not been idle.  Their next game, Destiny, will probably be for the next generation of consoles, but it’s plan is to play out over a decade.  A decade.

Bungie has a big press conference scheduled for June 10th to unveil more details on their next franchise.  This trailer narrated by Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad), using the immortal words of Kipling from The Jungle Book, is just stunning and I’m sure whatever Bungie has in store for us will be epic.  Destiny will be a next generation game for the Xbox One and Playstation 4 and has a tentative 2014 release date.

Destiny, Bungie, E3, Xbox One

Game Trailer Time: Destiny (201?)

Wonder what Bungie’s been up to since they said farewell to the Halo Universe?  Well, they’ve not been idle.  Their next game, Destiny, will probably be for the next generation of consoles, but it’s plan is to play out over a decade.  A decade.  Check out the reveal trailer.  The scope is amazing.