Tag Archives: Daredevil Photos

New Photos from Netflix’s Daredevil Series

Charlie Cox, Matt Murdock, Daredevil, Netflix

On the same day the Netflix releases season three of their flagship series, House of Cards (which I’m pouring into my head whilst you read this), the streaming service released a new poster and new photos from its upcoming series Daredevil.  The first of four planned series featuring street-level Marvel characters stars Charlie Cox, Rosario Dawson and Vincent D’Onofrio.  All episodes will be up on April 10, 2015.  So far all we’ve seen is Matt’s first suit from Frank Miller’s “The Man Without Fear”.  I wonder if he’s going to get into the real costume in season one.  Daredevil is personally my favorite Marvel character so I cannot wait for this. Continue reading New Photos from Netflix’s Daredevil Series