Tag Archives: danny huston

Trailer Time: Wonder Woman Trailer #5 (2017) “Rise of the Warrior”

Well, you have to say this: if Wonder Woman fails, it won’t be for lack of trailers.  This is the fifth (plus a gazillion TV spots), which is kind of a greatest hits of all the other trailers set to some unfortunately chosen hair band rock.  It also seems to imply that in addition to Ares as a villain, Diana will be fighting a meta connected with the poison gas that killed so many in World War I.  I personally would have stuck with Ares.  My take on Wonder Woman is that it looks phenomenal, I want it badly to succeed because a DCEU in trouble is trouble for comic book movies as a whole and the genre needs strong female role models (and btw, shame on Marvel for not giving Black Widow her own movie long before this).  That being said, Gal Gadot has never carried a movie, Patty Jenkins is an unproven director, and I’m seeing the same scenes showing up in all five of these trailers which could either mean they don’t want to give away more (which is good) or this is the best they have (which is not so good).  I’m rooting for it, and I’m taking the optimistic view that it can pull this off.  Wonder Woman opens June 2, 2017.

Trailer Time: Wonder Woman Trailer #4 (2017) “Diana of Themiscyra”

Wonder Woman got a mini-trailer during last night’s episode of Gotham: it’s fourth, if you’re scoring at home.  WW is film #4 in the DCEU, and hopefully a home run that can unite fans that have been divided over the first three installments.  Personally, I really liked Man of Steel, despised Batman vs. Superman, was meh on Suicide Squad, but here’s why I’m rooting for Wonder Woman: the DCU is amazing.  It’s less cohesive than the MCU, but that’s not been the problem with the film universe so far.  The problem was a lack of an equivalent to Kevin Feige at Marvel: someone who knows the universe inside and out who can stand up to WB’s famous interference with its super hero properties and Geoff Johns is that person if one exists.  Johns knows the DCU from his tenure resurrecting both The Flash and Green Lantern comic franchises, then the entire DC Comics line (which is better overall than Marvel’s confusing mess of a universe for my money), and now he’s basically in charge of all things DC….period.  I’m rooting for WW and Justice League (still hate the last trailer, but I’m rooting for it and my dream Aquaman/Batman road trip movie).  The comic book genre will suffer if the DCEU fails.  The same goes for FOX and its X-verse, and any other movies in the genre.  Even if you’re a Marvel person, rooting for the DCEU to fail is stupid, because it’s going to bring down the whole ship.  So get behind both universes, and hope we get a winner when Wonder Woman opens June 2, 2017.
Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot

Trailer Time: Wonder Woman Trailer #3 (2017) “Origins”

After last August’s Suicide Squad, the next installment on DC’s road to Justice League is the Wonder Woman solo film.  The third trailer for the film is the best yet, focusing on Diana’s origin and her her first journey to the world of men during World War I.  I have had issues with some of the dialogue in past scripts, but this seemed much better, focuses, and this film has looked gorgeous since it was unveiled at Comic Con.  It’s got a tough spot on the summer schedule surrounded by Pirates 5 and Transformers 5, but if things keep looking this good and franchise fatigue finally sets in on either the bots or Jack Sparrow, WW could carve out the beginnings of a franchise of its own. Starring Gal Gadot, Robin Wright, Chris Pine, and David Thewlis as Ares, Wonder Woman is scheduled to open June 2, 2017.
Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot

Trailer Time: Wonder Woman Trailer #2 (2017)

After August’s Suicide Squad, the next installment on DC’s road to Justice League is the Wonder Woman solo film.  The first trailer for the film was unveiled at Comic Con. The second full trailer is out now, along with three gorgeous posters.  “Gorgeous” is really the best word to describe WW so far.  It looks stunning.  However, every time I hear dialogue, I wince.  Geoff Johns didn’t get hired to start righting the disastrous rollout of the DCEU until after Wonder Woman was done, so his influence isn’t going to be felt until Justice League.  Question is: by the time we get there, is anyone going to care when Marvel is throwing no-hitter after no-hitter?  Starring Gal Gadot, Robin Wright, Chris Pine, and David Thewlis, Wonder Woman is scheduled to open June 2, 2017.

Trailer Time: Wonder Woman Trailer #1 (2017) *Straight from Comic Con 2016*

After August’s Suicide Squad, the next installment on DC’s road to Justice League will be the Wonder Woman solo film.  The first trailer for the film has just been unveiled at Comic Con.  Starring Gal Gadot, Robin Wright, Chris Pine, and David Thewlis, Wonder Woman is scheduled to open June 2, 2017.

Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot