Tag Archives: brave

POLL RESULTS: Who Is The Best Disney Princess?

The KT Community has weighed in on another issue of great importance and declared that the fairest of all Disney princesses is…..Belle from Beauty & the Beast.  In a contest where all ten princesses received votes and there was a four-way tie for first as late as yesterday, Belle eked out a win over the newest princess in Disney’s stable: Elsa from Frozen.  Thanks to all who voted and we’ll have a new poll up sometime next week!
Disney Princesses

POLL REMINDER: Who Is The Greatest Disney Princess of All-Time? VOTE!

The battle for the title of KT’s Greatest Disney Princess has been the most heated poll yet.  EVERY princess has votes and there is a four-way dead heat at #1.  If you haven’t voted yet, get thee to the main site (https://justkillingti.me) or vote from this post.  Saturday we’ll unveil the winner.

Disney, Walt Disney, Pixar, Walt Disney Animation Studios

POLL: Who Is The Greatest Disney Princess of All-Time?

With Princess Aurora returning to theaters today in Disney’s Maleficent, the question must be raised: who is the fairest of them all?  With a mud pit, bar-style brawl seemingly out of the question, we’ll have to resort to polling.  Vote for your favorite Disney princess here or on the home page at justkillingti.me.  We’re going to do two polls this month so just two weeks to register in and make your vote count.  Go forth and opine!
Disney, Walt Disney, Pixar, Walt Disney Animation Studios

Pixar Delays Two Films; No Pixar Movie in 2014

Pixar, The Good Dinosaur

In the wake of the firing of director Bob Peterson from The Good Dinosaur
(click here for more information about that move), Pixar has delayed that film 18 months, pushing it’s release back to Winter 2015.  Consequently, since Winter 2015 is where Finding Dory (Finding Nemo 2) was supposed to open, that film has been pushed to summer 2016.  This means that next year will be the first year without a Pixar film since 2005.

This news would be troubling on its own, but it seems a continuation of internal problems at Pixar that have resulted in what was a classic film-making machine stumbling creatively.  Director Brenda Peterson was fired off of last year’s Brave and the prior film, Cars 2, was Pixar’s first critical failure.  Since the release of Toy Story 3, Pixar’s last undisputed gem, they’ve released two pretty good movies and one awful one.  That’s fine for Dreamworks.  Compared to the Pixar standard, that’s abysmal.

The release date shuffle means that the next time we’ll see Luxo the Lamp kicking off another Pixar feature will be for Pete Docter’s Inside Out which is scheduled for a May 2015 release.  Docter’s previous two films, Monsters INC and Up, are pretty unimpeachable, so let’s hope he can right the ship creatively.



Pixar Fires Another Director: The Good Dinosaur’s Bob Peterson

Pixar, The Good DinosaurEveryone knows how much I love Pixar, but the last couple of years have been troubling to me.  First, they made Cars 2…which never should have happened.  There was no one begging for a sequel to that and they made it curiously to coincide with the opening of Cars Land at Disneyland.  John Lasseter (for whom the first Cars-which was great-was a labor of love) stepped in and took over the film, but when your film doesn’t have a story, you don’t have a reason to make it.  “Story first”, in fact, has always been the Pixar mantra.  That Cars 2 was clearly a marketing-driven film and the first bad (and oh so bad) film that Pixar had ever made, took a lot of the luster off of their brand.  Which brings us to Brave.

Brave was to be Pixar’s first female director directing Pixar’s first female lead.  However, director Brenda Chapman was fired off of the project and now works at rival Dreamworks Animation.  Chapman has asserted that John Lasseter is micromanaging the company.  I liked Brave and it won Pixar its umpteenth Oscar for Best Animated Film, so perhaps it was the right call.

Now next summer’s The Good Dinosaur has had its director fired off the project.  Bob Peterson still works for Pixar, but getting fired off of a film doesn’t seem like a boost of confidence.  The Executive Vice President of Production for Pixar is quoted as saying that Bob Peterson is still employed at Pixar and notes, “We hope he will stay here for the rest of his natural life.”  Is it just me or does the “his natural life” portion of that quote seem like he was giving the quote while smiling ironically and twirling a scythe in a festive manner.

Monsters University, which had more of a reason for being made than Cars 2 but was still unnecessary, was good but not great.  Post-Toy Story 3, “good but not great” would pretty much sum up the whole of their activity.  That might fly anywhere else, but Pixar was as strong a studio in terms of quality of output as Disney Animation itself in its prime (I’m talking Walt Disney days).  Right now, that’s not the case.  Pixar films were classics.  Their previous ‘off’ films were 9/10 level movies.  Pixar needs another classic to reclaim some of their credibility and The Good Dinosaur is next up.  It doesn’t seem like that’s on the ‘classic’ route.

The more promising future is 2015, when Pixar will release two animated features in the same year for the first time: Pete Docter’s Inside Out and Andrew Stanton’s Finding Dory.  Docter and Stanton are the two best directors Pixar has and have been with the company since Toy Story.  Hopefully The Good Dinosaur gets Pixar back to its old ways, but if it doesn’t, a course correction seems all but certain in 2015.