Tag Archives: Avengers 2


No regular posts until after midnight as I am pre-gaming for my screening tonight of Avengers: Age of Ultron.  Hopefully, I will have enough energy once I return from 2.5 hours of staking out my seat and 3 hours in it to write the kind of review you all deserve.  THIS IS WHAT I DO FOR YOU GUYS!  I’m not saying I’m taking a fairly accurate replica of Mjolnr with me to fend off seat stealers, but….I may ….have already….said too much.  Avengers: Age of Ultron starts showing tonight and goes forth to smash Avatar’s record tomorrow!  SUMMER MOVIE SEASON IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!

PS – I know Joss Whedon has said there is no post-credit scene, only a mid-credit teaser.  Before you freak out, that would mean last time we WOULD have gotten Thanos and would NOT have gotten Schwarma.  I will stay through the entirety of the credits so you know if you have to or not.  You’re welcome.
Chris Evans, Captain America, Avengers: Age of Ultron

Trailer Time: Avengers Age of Ultron Trailer #2 (2015)

Last night, during Ohio State’s thrashing of Oregon in the National Championship Game (which people around here are pretty stoked about), geeks everywhere were waiting for the thing of true importance: the debut of the next Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer.  If there was any doubt that this was going to be a bad, bad time to be an Avenger in this movie, I think this trailer settled the matter.  Avengers: Age of Ultron debuts in theaters on May 1, 2015.

MCU Phase 2 Supercut!

It’s been awhile since we had a good supercut and editor Adrian Conion showcases the movies that comprise the second phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Irom Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy and the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron.  After a weak start with Iron Man 3, the increasing quality, complexity and maturity of these films has me absolutely fired up for Avengers 2 and Phase 3!

Trailer Time: Avengers Age of Ultron Trailer #1 EXTENDED (2015) MORE FOOTAGE

Now with even more James Spader in Blacklist mode as Ultron comes and extended version of the Avengers 2 trailer released earlier in the month.  There’s not a whole lot of new footage, but just like every piece of footage seen so far, it rocks the planet.

Can I also say here’s an example of positive Disney ownership of the Marvel Universe, even if on a very small scale.  The creepy, creepy rendition of “There Are No Strings On Me” from Pinocchio that goes perfectly with Ultron’s nature as a glorified marionette gone berzerk and makes this trailer possibly the strongest of the year.  No way Disney lets them use that song if it isn’t their baby, but fortunately, for all of us, it is.


Trailer Time: Avengers Age of Ultron Trailer #1 (2015) Ultron, Hulkbuster Thowdown and MORE!

It’s November; a new month with new possibilities and your favorite online source for all things geekish has returned.  We’ll do a return column separate to this, but even while I was holed up in a cabin deep in the woods of Do Not Disturbia, word of great doings in both the MCU and DCCU drifted through the opening of my cavern of solitude.  While, we’re not going to go back through everything that happened in October, an examination of the goings and doings in Marvel and DC movie land is a must.

THAT can wait another day or so though, because here it its: the first trailer for Joss Whedon’s finale to MCU Phase 2 – Avengers: Age of Ultron.  Sequels usually go darker, but WOW, do things look like bad for Marvel’s top team.  I wasn’t sure how much Spader would actually BE in Ultron (answer: he’s in full Blacklist form).  I knew about the Hulkbuster fight from leaked concept art, but nothing prepares you seeing clips from the battle royale.  So much to see and to take in and I’m sorry it’s a bit late in going up on the site, but we’re back and we’ll do a full “Return from Hiatus” piece later today.  I’ve missed you, time stabbers.  ASSEMBLE ONCE MORE!