Daredevil, Elektra, Elodie Yung

Trailer Time: Daredevil Season Two Trailer #3 (2016 – Netfilx) “This Isn’t Your City Anymore!”

Netflix has released part two of their megatrailer for season two of Daredevil, and I’ve included the first part so you can watch the entire epic unfold.  Whereas the first trailer was Punisher-centric with Jon Bernthal, part two is Elektra-centric featuring Elodie Yung’s take on the assassin and offering an overall look at where season two may be taking us.


It seems that the Yakuza, which figured into season one, are-in fact-The Hand, as they were hinted to be.  They look like the season’s ultimate Big Bad, which explains Elektra’s presence and the return of Stick (Scott Glenn) and perhaps others from his order.  The Punisher looks like he’ll be a fly in the ointment the whole season, and Team DD seems to be developing some friction.  I mean, they didn’t really sign up for a full on ninja war.  But, holy cow, how much fun is it going to be to binge watch this next installment in the dark corners of the MCU when Netflix puts season two up on March 18th?  Answer: a lot more fun than waiting in line for Batman vs. Superman that day.
Daredevil, Matt Murdock, Charlie Cox


6 thoughts on “Trailer Time: Daredevil Season Two Trailer #3 (2016 – Netfilx) “This Isn’t Your City Anymore!””

  1. I seriously cannot wait for this! This season looks like it’ll be even better than the first.
    Daredevil’s suit looks fantastic. It seemed a bit off in the final episode last season, but there’s something about it that seems more natural now. Could just be me though.


    1. I think the first season costume was pretty much just a showpiece and since he’s going to be in it all season they spent a lot of time making it more practical (Batman Begins vs. Dark Knight costumes). I will miss the Man in Black, though. I think I’ve season season one five times lol.

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      1. Oh my…I’ve only watched it the one time, but I’m going to rewatch it probably starting this weekend. I do agree, I did like the man in black. It was so grounded and realistic. It was also killing him though. But yeah that last costume was just there at the end to be like “Don’t worry, we’ll have the real DD cotume, calm down”! I seriously can’t wait though.


      2. Oh neither can I. The Man in Black was great because it was a giant flaw that literally everyone who knew Matt was doing this pointed out as dumb (no matter how awesome it looked). I think they’re building to a season 3 where Kingpin and Bullseye join Elektra for the classic story that we’ll get over a whole season and that will be so epic. Long live the MCU on Netflix!

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      3. Bullseye should be really awesome once they get to him. I was actually shocked they went with Punisher, but it’s really the best move for that character. He’s going to be great.
        And I totally agree. I hope to see more and more of their Netflix stuff. Believe it or not, I haven’t watched Jessica Jones yet! I’m going to watch it alongside Daredevil when I start the rewatch for season 1. Then I’ll have 2x the Marvel shows!


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