Movie Review: Paranormal Activity The Ghost Dimension (2015) *Ending With a Thud*


Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (or PA6 for simplicity’s sake) ends the found-footage horror series that was, for a time, a phenomenon that managed to capture the interest of even me.  I’m going to put this simply: I don’t like horror movies.  Life is frightening enough without plopping down cash to be scared further out of your mind, but for some reason that I cannot explain, the PA series grabbed me.  The series is really the story of two trilogies; the first being awesome and the second being largely incoherent.  The first film was made for almost nothing and became a huge hit so naturally it became a franchise.  What was amazing about the next two installments is how smartly they wove together a story that tied into the first and began to build this mythology and story that spanned decades.  Then the fourth installment happened. Continue reading Movie Review: Paranormal Activity The Ghost Dimension (2015) *Ending With a Thud*