Trailer Time: The Walk Trailer #1 *Zemeckis Looks to Make Another Live-Action Classic*

I am so incredibly glad that Robert Zemeckis has emerged from his creepy-looking animation phase (Polar Express, Adventures of Tin Tin) and gotten back to making live-action films.  Like most Americans, seeing the two towers of The World Trade Center is almost a visceral gut punch.  Perhaps this film can do a little to remove that instant revulsion as it is an incredible true story (previously the subject of the documentary Man on Wire) of a man who executed a plan to put in place a high-wire from Tower 1 to Tower 2 and walk across it.  Joseph Gordon-Levitt has become one of my favorite actors and this looks like an incredible addition to the fall slate of films.  The Walk will release October 2, 2015, and for a full plot synopsis, read below.

Twelve people have walked on the moon, but only one man – Philippe Petit  – has ever, or will ever, walk in the immense void between the World Trade Center towers. Guided by his real-life mentor, Papa Rudy (Ben Kingsley), and aided by an unlikely band of international recruits, Petit and his gang overcome long odds, betrayals, dissension and countless close calls to conceive and execute their mad plan. Robert Zemeckis, the director of such marvels as Forrest Gump, Cast Away, Back to the Future, Polar Express and Flight, again uses cutting edge technology in the service of an emotional, character-driven story. With innovative photorealistic techniques and IMAX 3D wizardry, The Walk is true big-screen cinema, a chance for moviegoers to viscerally experience the feeling of reaching the clouds. The film, a PG-rated, all-audience entertainment for moviegoers 8 to 80, unlike anything audiences have seen before, is a love letter to Paris and New York City in the 1970s, but most of all, to the Towers of the World Trade Center.
The Walk, Robert Zemeckis

Trailer Time: Star Wars Uprising Announcement Trailer (2015) *A Post-Return of the Jedi RPG Is Coming to Your Phone*

As if there weren’t enough Star Wars good news to look forward to, today Lucasfilm released an announcement trailer for a game that will help bridge the gap between Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and December’s Episode VII.  This RPG looks amazing and takes place in the immediate aftermath of the second Death Star’s destruction.  You can pre-register for updates on the game, which will enter beta testing soon, at

Star Wars: Uprising will feature key events set in the Anoat Sector, inclusive of Hoth and Cloud City, and will allow players to create characters, go on missions, build their gear and skills, and organize crews and factions to participate in wide-ranging battles. Keeping up with tradition of Star Wars roleplaying games, players will learn hundreds of new abilities and collect classic gear and equipment conducive to creating their own takes on iconic roles: Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Rebel Guerilla, Diplomat, Gambler, or something new entirely.
Star Wars Uprising