Olivia Wilde, Quorra, Tron: Legacy


Tron Legacy


A few days ago, Disney pulled the plug on Tron: Ascension, which was in pre-production.  Director Joseph Kosinski was returning as were stars Olivia Wilde and Garrett Hedlund and then Disney shut it down.  Why?  Tomorrowland.  That’s really the only explanation that I can think of that makes any sense.  On the heels of The Lone Ranger fiasco, Tomorrowland suffered budget overruns, production delays and significant meddling by Disney which conspired to produce an awful movie that stands to lose in the neighborhood of $150 million dollars.

Disney can absorb that just fine.  Avengers: Age of Ultron and Star Wars Episode VII alone will probably make $3 billion combined, so this isn’t so much a matter of funds as it is being fiscally gun shy when it comes to their own live-action division.  Disney is doing so many things right, but their live-action films have been….dodgy.  What they need to do is look at what’s worked for their divisions that are booming.  John Lasseter at animation, Kevin Feige at Marvel and Kathleen Kennedy at Star Wars.  Get someone of that caliber to manage their live-action division, but don’t cancel a film that already has a built-in fan base!  I don’t know if any number of signatures will save Tron 3, but click on the above link and do your geekly duty so we can visit The Grid once more.

2 thoughts on “SAVE TRON 3!!! SIGN THIS PETITION!!!”

  1. This makes no sense of the face of it. Even if you were to agree that no more original films should ever be made, why would you possibly shut down a franchise film with a devoted following just because an original film with a disastrous marketing campaign flopped?

    I think there are other factors at play too. For example, Tron: Legacy didn’t make nearly as much money as Disney had hoped, and they want to focus on more lucrative properties. Which is scary, because 400 million. Also the Grid is a very unusual, distinctive place, and I think unusual, distinctive places scare the Hollywood execs half to death. Now no one at Disney has to pretend to understand why Tron is popular, and they can go back to cannibalizing their own animated properties.


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