Mr. Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, Ian McKellan

Trailer Time: Mr. Holmes Trailer #2 (2015) *Peerless Actor Meets Ultimate Role”

Here’s one to look forward to this summer!  Ian McKellan plays an aged Sherlock Holmes in the 1940’s, trying to solve the one case that’s eluded him his entire career.  It’s directed by Chicago’s Bill Condon and stars Milo Parker and Laura Linney.  No firm US release date has been announced past it being slated for Summer 2015.  Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective remains one of the most versatile and endlessly fascinating characters in all of fiction, and I can’t wait to see McKellan add this to his already distinguished career. Mr. Holmes opens wide on July 19, 2015.

Ian McKellan, Sherlock Holmes, Mr. Holmes

2 thoughts on “Trailer Time: Mr. Holmes Trailer #2 (2015) *Peerless Actor Meets Ultimate Role””

  1. It’s official: it’s impossible to get tired of Sherlock Holmes. The adaptations go on and on, and a lifetime after I was first introduced to the character through The Great Mouse Detective, I still can’t get enough. And it took until the 21st century for the character to get his greatest treatment of all time via Benedict Cumberbatch.

    This new film sounds like a fascinating twist on the material, one I’ve never seen before. Though Gene Roddenberry did once shoot a television pilot called “Ghost,” about an elderly Dr. Watson being visited by Holmes’s spirit, and solving mysteries—again.

    I don’t know if the concept of the film version of Chicago—the idea that all the songs were taking place inside the characters’ heads—came from Condon. But if you’ve ever seen the musical on stage, you’ll know it couldn’t have been an easy show to adapt.


    1. I think there’s a lot of Holmes in McKellan’s Gandalf the Grey, just think of him puzzling the riddle of the ring, puffing on his pipe in Bag End. I absolutely cannot wait for this.


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