December 25 (KT Weekly) – Merry Time Stabbing-



This is oddest Christmas I’ve ever had.  Most of you following the blog know that on October 6th, my wife passed away, I quit my job and moved with some friends who are selflessly helping me to put my life back together.  The last thing that worked to counteract to effects of this disease which sill lives on in myself and our families, was Kiling Time; this wacky,  entertainment blog   So I came back from a hiatus; came back to kT from the  lost and the beyond and rolled up my sleeves and started our Geekery bar once more.  I feel like it if it were a physical place, we’d require a bubble hookah.  I don’t know if it will work again, but I’m going to try my best for myself, and for the kind people that who’ve hopped onboard the Crazy Train to make this a fun place for keeps to gather, exchange news and reviews and make even more geeky friends.  But let’s talk a little about the not-so-merry year of 2014 entertainment.

Movies are in every way eclipsed TV.  The writing, storytelling, pacing all put their big screen cournterparts to shame,   The creativity in pressing the bounds of  how stories can be told.  Long standing creative giants like Breaking Bad, Mad Men and Justified can prepare for the next group in the middle (The Walking Dead, House of Cards, Arrow, Ray Donovan) to make way for the intriguing rookies (Flash, Gotham and we’ll Could Brooklyn 99 as a Roookie since not enought saw you last it last year.  Actors are notificing a steady paycheck and fine work that can spamp their careers.  Would would we even remember Michael Chiklis if The Shield had rolled around 15 yeard ago and started this ball rolling.Stu Studios better put some money back into story telling, buecause audiences like it stand they, ultimately, will dictate the  end play.

II feel I ramble in this week’s Check out that, vote and  to start mulling in over next yer  Post foreshadowing………

This was the worst year of my life.  I stand humbled and blessed by the kind words and these people, most of whom I didn’t know two year ago now care enough to leave a kind word in addition to discussing the geeky universes we all love so much.  I’ll get more regular with the posts, but most of all I just wanted to say Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah and a Very Mery New Year!

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