NEW POLL: What Was the Best Game of 2014?

I really can’t grasp the gaming industry’s business model.  Release all your AAA games within a few weeks of each other and then let all but a few drown each other as they compete to the death.  There’s no better example of this than the complete gamer’s death valley that is the summer.  You get Madden (which fortunately this year was the best installment in a decade) and NOTHING else for four months.  Sure, people want games around Christmastime, but doesn’t it make sense to release a good slice of those games when the target market receiving those games at Christmas have nothing to do OTHER THAN PLAY GAMES!

This was the year was really started to see a transition to next gen gaming, though we still yet to have a game that looks so different that I say there’s no way that could ever have been done on the previous generation’s platform.  Largely that’s because, they CAN be done on the previous generation’s platform and still. are.  This, I think, is the year when you’ll see developers begin to shift away from trying to accommodate the previous generation and forcing you to the new systems if you’re going to play the big games like Witcher III or Batman Arkham Knight

That’s not to say that in the wallet pillaging time that was September through November, there weren’t great games.  Titanfall and the surprisingly touching Children of Light carried the early part of the year.  Watch Dogs and an amazingly good Madden the middle and in the tsunami of quality at the end you had Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor (my personal pick for game of the year), Desting (the game that got more of my friends on the XBoX One than any other), Dragon Age 3, and so many more than I can’t do justice to them all.  That’s why the community will, this month, pick the third annual KT Game of the Year.  What will follow Bioshock: Infinite and Batman Arkham Origins?  That’s up to you!  Get out there and vote KTers.  In this post, then on the blog home page at  I’ll remind you when the end is coming (yeah, I’m naggy like that).   There’s no clear winner to me so I’m interested to see what  dominated people’s consoles this year.  Get to voting, time killers!


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