Pinewood Studios

Star Wars Episode VII – More Photos: Pinewood Studios, X-Wing, Milennium Falcon!

EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.
TMZ has done it again! This time they got someone into Pinewood Studios, where Star Wars Episode VII is currently filming and got pics of the Milennium Falcon under construction, what looks like an X-Wing and more shots of the practical creature from The Gallery of Tatooine Shots. These leaks seem a little too easy for someone as security-mad as JJ Abrams. I think he may be using TMZ as a conduit to leak some tidbits that really tell us nothing, but get us excited as all get out. THEY’RE BUILDING THE FALCON!!! How are we supposed to wait until December 2015????

EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.

EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.


EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.


EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.

EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.

EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.

EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.


EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.

EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.




EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.

EXCLUSIVE Production work is underway on the set of the most eagerly anticipated Hollywood blockbuster for years; Star Wars Episode VII.




9 thoughts on “Star Wars Episode VII – More Photos: Pinewood Studios, X-Wing, Milennium Falcon!”

  1. I’m calling it now: Luke will be a hermit on Tatooine at the beginning of the movie. He never rebuilt the Jedi order.


    1. Interesting. Or maybe he did and lost control over it. We’ve really only seen two cities on Tatooine and relatively close together and these buildings look much more modern. Maybe the planet becomes more developed in the 30 year gap. On an interesting side note, the “in canon” novel “Heir to the Jedi” featuring Luke is going to take place between Episodes IV and V. I think the fact we’re seeing that creature again cements your theory that these are breadcrumbs from JJ. Got goosebumps see the Falcon being reconstructed.


      1. I’ve always had the impression that when Luke threw aside his lightsaber at the end of ROTJ, it was for good. The Sith might have brought down the Old Republic, but the Jedi, in their way, were pretty complicit. I think we’re going to find out that, as far as Luke is concerned, being force-sensitive is dangerous, and he never wants anything to do with it ever again.
        And looking at the Falcon under construction, I got chills, too. It’s JJ for sure leaking these images.


      2. Yeah, I don’t buy it. That war wasn’t over when the Emperor died and I don’t see Luke just walking away after the events of Jedi. He was too famous, too close to his sister who was going to run the government and too weighed down by the ghosts of Kenobi, Yoda and Anakin to not touch another lightsaber. Interesting theory though


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