Gandalf, Game of Thrones, Glamdring, Joffrey Baratheon

Gandalf’s Sword Forged Into Game of Throne’s Iron Throne

Gandalf, Game of Thrones, Glamdring, Joffrey Baratheon

All credit to Geek Tyrant for pulling this little gem off of Reddit.  This is the kind of thing that’s just awesome to find out.

Here’s an awesome little easter egg pointed out by Reddit user NoMoreHodoring. He discovered Gandalf’s sword Glamdring as one of the many swords forged together to make the Iron Throne of the seven kingdoms in HBO’s Game of Thrones.

It doesn’t matter if it was purposely put there or not. I think it’s just really cool that it found it’s way into the throne! I found this over on io9, who offered up some fun fan story saying, “Did Aegon Targaryen, first of his name, conquer Middle-Earth on his way to battle the Andals of Westeros, and handed Gandalf his grey Istari ass? No man can say.”

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