POLL: What’s the Best Christmas Movie?

Christmas, Christmas tree

The season is upon us of carols, trees, presents and high-anxiety, intense SEASONAL CHEER!  There are certain things which always accompany the holidays and make things seem extremely more Christmassy.  There’s the decorations, the presents, the awkward holiday office party, the hijacking of completely normal radio stations with Christmas music and Christmas movies.  Which is the favorite of the Killing Time community?  What’s our seasonal fave?  Vote below and then in a day or two, the poll will be up on the newly-designed (thank you IT WIZARDRY MASTER-IN-CHIEF) homepage at https://sleeplessthought.wordpress.com.  We’ll reveal the winner on Christmas Eve which predestines a conversation in which I have to explain to my family why I am excusing myself for five minutes from INTENSE FESTIVE CHEER…time.  I do this for you, people!


Site Note: Redesign and Tardiness



I know a lot of you receive posts via email or various social interwebbings, but the actual Killing Time homepage has been a work in progress for a while now.  I’ve tinkered and tried various things and since the site traffic (according to Word Press which now is not speaking to Google analytics for reasons that are probably playground related) is at a level where I could read the news aloud and maintain my audience, I felt free to do so. Continue reading Site Note: Redesign and Tardiness

James Mangold Talks The Wolverine Sequel


With the news that an Apocalypse film is following X-Men Days of Future Past, you have to wonder how many more Wolverine films Hugh Jackman has in him.  Maybe he’s not a part of Apocalypse, but that’s hard to imagine if it follows Days of Future Past so closely.  I was one who really enjoyed The Wolverine and if they hadn’t have awkwardly jammed Viper into the mix, I think it would have been fantastic.  I’m glad Mangold and Jackman are reteaming.  The following is an excerpt from a ComingSoon talk with Mangold about his plans for the sequel.

20th Century Fox is looking to get another Wolverine movie made, and director James Mangold is in the process of developing it. In an interview withThe Wall Street Journal the director talked about the first film, as well as the sequel. He talks about the themes and ideas that the sequel explores, and he addresses the iconic costume. Here’s what he had to say about the first movie,

“With the movie I just finished, I think that I very much focused, when I went to Fox and presented, I told them I was interested in making a movie about someone who feels like anyone they love will die, not only that they are cursed but that anyone they become attached to becomes cursed. That film was about Logan’s jaundiced view of society.”

Continue reading James Mangold Talks The Wolverine Sequel

X-Men: Apocalypse Coming 2016! What!?!


Where is the X-Men franchise going after Days of Future Past?  Apparently to the Age of Apocalypse!  A new X-Men movie entitled X-Men: Apocalypse is now scheduled for theaters on May 27, 2016.  It all came about via mad tweeter Bryan Singer who I’m supposing is staying with the franchise to bring the biggest villain in the X-universe yet to be seen onscreen to fans.

#Xmen #Apocalypse 2016!
— Bryan Singer (@BryanSinger) December 5, 2013

Ten Finalists for the Visual F/X Oscar Announced

2009 Oscars: Who Should vs. Who Will Win

Five shall stand; five shall fall.  These are the finalists announced today by the Academy for the Visual F/X Oscar. Continue reading Ten Finalists for the Visual F/X Oscar Announced