Jurassic Park

Great Fan Made Jurassic Park Piece – TURN OFF THE LIGHT!!!

Jurassic Park


Once again proving that the best posters are being made by fans these days comes this very cool piece from THE iconic moment from Jurassic Park.  Just a quick update on Jurassic Park IV, Nick Simmons and Ty Simpkins (Harley from Iron Man 3) have been cast for the film which is officially being called Jurassic World.  I’m avoiding calling it that because every time I say it, I picture Jaws coming for Louis Gossett Jr. in Jaws IV.  I’m sure this will be better (on the theory that being worse would be a feat like unto building the Pyramids of Giza).

9 thoughts on “Great Fan Made Jurassic Park Piece – TURN OFF THE LIGHT!!!”

  1. Do you know if this film will be about the Park opening to the public for the first time, or the dinosaurs getting loose and overtaking the world? I’ve heard both premises get tossed around. Also, there were no sequels to Jaws. Not a single one. The studio was wise enough to not tarnish a classic with an endless string of bad cinematic jokes.


    1. Sorry, i’ve been rubbish about replying to comments. The plot that I know of is that it’s on Isla Nublar; someone has opened a theme park there called Jurassic World which is why the title. The kid from Iron Man 3 and Josh Brolin are signed on. It sounds just like Jaws IV….which so happened and is hysterical. HYSTERICAL!


      1. But Jurassic Park 4 will have Spielberg’s name in the credits, and the Jaws sequels did not. If you disregard the Transformers movies (and yeah, JP3), Steve has a pretty good track record when it comes to producing other people’s work. This has been true from the early days (Gremlins, Goonies, Roger Rabbit) right up through Band of Brothers.
        If the park, in whatever name, finally has its opening day, I’m there. It should have been the premise of the third one.


      2. He produces 10 movies a year. I’m too lazy to go to IMDB…no I’m not, he’s “produced” Smash for TV and Under the Dome. He’s “produced” Cowboys & Aliens, Men in Black II, Deep Impact and it’s a looong list. Some good; mostly bad. It’s like the Ian Malcolm dinner scene in the first one. They use it. They throw it out there. They slap it on a lunchbox and before you know it they’ve done it. And they were so busy wondering if they could nobody ever stopped to think if they should. Ok I need to go watch that scene…classic Goldblum.


      3. “Executive Producer…” the greatest job in the world, because you get to do nothing.
        You’re right on this one. I had actually somehow blocked out most of the bad films that Speilberg has executive produced. I forgot about Flintstones, too. I should have said that Steve USED to be smart about what projects he attached his name to, back in the 80’s. Some were middling, but they never damaged his brand.


      4. Ian Malcolm belongs on any list of the greatest film characters of all time.
        I wonder if Steve saw Jurassic Park as an allegory for Hollywood? It might explain why Hammond was changed from the deeply evil man in the novel to a lovable and well-meaning megalomaniac. Maybe Steve saw the character as a stand-in for himself.


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