Christian Bale

Batman will be Moses! Christian Bale Cast in Ridley Scott’s Exodus.

Christian Bale
Christian Bale has been officially cast as Moses in Ridley Scott’s Biblical epic: Exodus.  This would seem to slam the door shut on any possible return to the Batsuit for Man of Steel 2 (the latest rumor floating around had Warner Brothers offering Bale $50 million to return).

Joel Edgerton (Warrior, Zero Dark Thirty) is in final talks to play Moses’ brother, Aaron.  This will be Ridley Scott’s next project, making a sequel to Prometheus looking unlikely for a few years.  The screenplay is by Steve Zailian (Schindler’s List) and is adapted from the second book of the Bible which follows Moses from cradle (er, woven floating basket) to grave.

Biblical epics were once a staple of Hollywood and, based on the success of The Bible mini-series, earlier this year, and 2014’s Darren Arnofsky Noah epic with Russell Crowe ask the ark builder, we may start to see more stories from The Good Book back onscreen.  Just have someone permanently posted outside Mel Gibson’s house with a fire house in case he gets any more….”ideas”.

PS – I was going to entitle this post “Holy Moses, Batman!” but I restrained myself…well, not really because I stuck it in the postscript.  I’m incorrigible.

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