Watch The Amazing Race!

Question: What is the only reality show I have ever wanted to be a on?


I have total and complete disdain for the genre of reality TV. I do watch a lot of the cooking themed shows (initially as part of the remote sharing compact that comes with all relationships, but I do like a lot of the Food Network ones), but aside from that, “reality TV” as a buzz phrase is second only to “filmed in 3D” in causing Dave facial tics. Why is TAR different? It’s the world! It’s the whole world as the canvas for a exploratory journey. Yes, it’s frantic and rushed, but instead of sitting in a studio or in a house slathered with cameras, these people get to race around the world. Ever since I was a little boy reading Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne, this idea has captured my imagination and this show allows its contestants to live that (in roughly half the time Verne gave Phineas Fogg). The race consists of 10-12 teams of two people with a prior relationship (spouses, siblings, friends, etc) who have to travel to different checkpoints around the globe using clues they gain as a result of completing tasks in order to find their destination. At it’s best, the show exposes teams to life in other countries, many impoverished compared to the lives we know here in the States, and the best teams are truly affected and find it a transformative experience. Of course there are always the idiot ugly American teams or the stunt cast teams (please no midgets or goths this year….ohhh the midget), but the proportion of good to dreck is so mightily outweighed compared to the rest of the genre, that it’s no wonder TAR won the first seven Emmys given for Best Reality Show. My wife and I are huge fans, owning all 16 seasons on DVD and will be there tonight for the 90 minute premiere of season 17. You should be too!

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